Incoming US Secretary of State Antony Blinken intends to keep the US embassy in Jerusalem and listen to allies, he said during hearings with the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee. His nomination moved forward on January 19. He will replace US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
“It’s vitally important that we engage on the takeoff, not the landing, with our allies and partners in the region, to include Israel and to include the Gulf countries,” he said. He praised Israel's normalization with regional countries when pressed by US Senators. Blinken said the US should "take a hard look" at some of the "commitments" from the Trump era made as part of the peace deals, but he supports the essence of the peace. While it appears Blinken supports looking hard at Iran's missile program, he may also be critical fo the F-35 sales to the UAE. The comments show that the new US administration will continue along with some of Trump's policies, but not others.
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