As UAE-Israel ties emerged, so did pioneers of kosher cuisine in the Gulf

By SETH J. FRANTZMAN Back in 2015 when I attended the Emirates Literature Festival there were several presentations devoted to cooking. However there was no kosher cuisine. Today things have changed. Times of Israel reported on September 22 that "the UAE’s first-ever certified kosher restaurant has opened on the ground floor of the luxury Armani Hotel, situated in Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building. The restaurant, Armani/Kaf, is certified glatt kosher under the supervision of Rabbi Levi Duchman, the UAE’s Chabad rabbi." There is also online food delivery from Ellis Kosher Kitchen and Emirates has announced it will serve kosher food. Abu Dhabi has encouraged hotels to offer kosher options. See more details here and here.
On October 17 Rabbi Levi Duchman told reporters, he has received requests from “dozens of restaurants in the Emirates that want to offer kosher dishes. On November 2 Al-Monitor reported on the kosher pioneers of the UAE.