US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's trip to the Middle East in mid-November 2020 may be his last major trip to the region. As usual he is sketching out who America's key allies are. He was last in Bahrain in August. Now he may be cementing the Israel peace ties with the UAE and Bahrain. This is important as US allies and adversaries wonder what the next US administration will bring.
The United Arab Emirates Ambassador to the US Yousef Al Otaiba recently spoke with the Institute for National Security Studies, discussing the goals of the Abraham Accords. “The annexation is what made us reach this decision in the way we did and the time we did [it],” Otaiba told the INSS, which is affiliated with Tel Aviv University. “I believe that annexation was going to have a profoundly negative impact in our part of the world.” Read more.
The UAE's Ambassador to the United Nations Lana Nusseibeh has recently said that US President-elect Joe Biden made his support of the Abraham Accords clear. “The UAE has worked with whichever US administration the American people choose, and I have no doubt that the relationship will remain the strong and strategic partnership that it always has been. Over the decades the UAE has been a primary partner for the United States in the region. We have been on the battlefield together countering extremism and terrorism in various theatres," she said. Read more.
According to The Jerusalem Post Bahrain's Foreign Minister "Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani will visit Israel for the first time on Wednesday, the Foreign Ministry confirmed on Sunday. Al-Zayani is expected to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is set to be in Israel on Wednesday through Friday." Read the full report.
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